For Educators and Caregivers 

**All pricing is in Canadian Dollars**

All services provided (including workshops) fit into the following grant categories: 

Professional Consultations: Collaborative Education Sessions


10+ participants per workshop

All workshops are designed to be 90* minutes

starting at $200 for virtual workshops

Contact me to discuss In-Person options and pricing

*Can be extended for larger audiences to accommodate extended Q&A

Supporting Neurodivergence

What is neurodiversity and what does it  mean for learning and teaching? How can I support neurodiversity with a full classroom of students, all with different needs? Celebrate, accept, and support difference in your peers and students with this workshop, geared towards educators. 

Collaborative Education

Nothing with the brain happens in isolation and no one person can do or be everything a student needs. Leap into the future by learning how to work with a collaborative education model for supporting staff and students in education systems. 

Mental Health, Resiliency, and Support Systems

Most students deal with mental health issues at some point in their learning journey. Many also deal with mental illness on a daily basis. This workshop will help you start and navigate the conversation about what you can do to help manage stress, depression, anxiety, and more in yourself and your  learner(s).

This workshop can be geared towards educators and/or caregivers

Mental Health and Learning / Educating

Effective learning comes from a place of safety and security. When we are struggling with our brains, everything else is that much harder, especially learning and communicating. As educators, it is important that we understand how mental health affects motivation, understanding, information processing, and student engagement so we can best help our students navigate their learning journeys. 

Effective Communication in Education

Most issues with learning and teaching stem from miscommunication. In this workshop I break down effective communication into 3 inter-related components that, when used together, help you reach a goal of common understanding. Learn how to problem-solve and diversify your communication skills to best reach your students and avoid miscommunication with your coworkers/staff.